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Height: 2100mm
Width: 1200mm
Depth: 1600mm
Gross Weight: 38kg


In situations of humanitarian crisis is key to have an easy to build cost effective and ready to use latrine, to provide disaster relief and help to avoid indignity situations. Latrines also help preventing diseases created by pathogens and organisms found in excreta and waste water. However, in most cases these latrines are not easy to use by vulnerable people with mobility problems.

This is the reason why Dunster House has designed the Vulnerable Person’s Latrine Superstructure. This model includes the same features as our Latrine Superstructure; raised roof, security functions and the possibility to purchase multiple units, but also adds on top few small differences that make it easier to use by people with disabilities or mobility problems.

Dunster Design

The door has been designed to slide and is wide so a wheelchair can access with no difficulties. By using a sliding door, rather than a swinging door, there is no need to worry about access being encumbered by a swinging door.

Our Superstructure includes handrails and supports to assist the elderly as well as people with disabilities or mobility problems, as an internal hanging triangle system attached to the middle timber beam. This helps people moving in and out of wheelchairs, providing them with additional support, and can be hooked out of the way when it is not needed, to make the transition as seamless as possible.

As in both, Raised and Superstructure Latrines, this model is designed with an internal and external lock, allowing it to be secured when in use and unattended.

The internal floor space of the Vulnerable Person’s Latrine Superstructure has been increased from 1200cm x 800cm to 1200cm x 1600cm. This provides enough extra room for a wheelchair to access the structure, whilst leaving enough room for an assistant to help.


Shipping and installation

We are aware of the importance of an efficient usage of the space for a cost-effective shipping, so have maximised the usage of space developing an easy to store and transport flat-pack.

As in the rest of our latrines, the materials we have used on the design of our Vulnerable Person’s Latrine are lightweight, making transport easy and cost-effective. In situations of humanitarian crisis, time is a key factor.  This is why our latrines are designed to be built quickly and, by making them from lightweight materials, we eliminate the need to struggle whilst working in often adverse conditions.


Optional Extras

  • 12v Off Grid Solar Lighting – Robust and simple kit, which allows access through the night.
  • Rainwater Guttering – To allow for rain water harvesting.
  • Ground Anchors – To secure the structure down to the ground if necessary.


Key Features

  • Easily accessible
  • Handrails for additional support
  • Wheelchair friendly
  • Larger floor space
  • Safe and durable
  • Raised roof with ventilation
  • Low maintenance and easy to clean material
  • Lightweight for easy and cost-effective transportation
  • Easy to build by unskilled labour with minimal instructions
  • Private and safe


Dunster House Ltd. is a family run company selling timber garden products as its core business. Over the years we have expanded and grown becoming the largest log cabin company in the UK and opening our Humanitarian Department at our headquarters. With 7 branches spread out across the UK and 13 sister factories in Europe, we have a large range of products. Discover them on the links below!